Eithne Benson (Secretary)
Eithne began the harp in Dublin with Mercedes Bolger and then was taught in Newry by Sheila Larchet and Kay Rice. She studied pedal harp in France with Edwige Motte and then back in Newry with Aileen MacArdle. With Aileen’s support, she established and, for over 20 years, ran a successful harp department in the Southern Education and Library Board (SELB). Until retirement, Eithne was Head of Music Service in the SELB. She served for 8 years on the board of the Arts Council of N.I. and was N. I. Representative for the Federation of Music Services. She was a founder member of the board of the Ulster Youth Orchestra and the Ulster Youth Choir.
Eithne was appointed to the board of CÉHI on 28/5/2018.